Gameon's Favourite Blogs >>
Anoop : : GameOn BuZZ ||                     || Hari S R : : Tranquility ||                    || ~==[[[ Abhi ]]]==~ : : Cogito Ergo Sum ||                    || Abhilash Sir : : A Leaf out of Life ||

Programming Simplified

A Freelancers Tips and Tricks On Programming With Php , Ajax , CGI -PEARL ,Javascripting , CSS and GM(grease-monkey)..

Visitor Tracker

This is a Simple script to log visitors of your site.

[code start]
//User Tracker
//Check refered page
$ref = 'None';
} else {

$date = date('d/m/Y H:i:s');
$data = 'IP Address: '. $ip. ' - ';
$data .= 'Date: '. $date. ' - ';
$data .= 'Referer: '. $ref. "\n";

// Write information to a log file, Append mode.
// Pointer placed below the record.
file_put_contents('./track.log', $data, FILE_APPEND)
or die ('Oopsy error on writing... You may go this time... Sorry :)');

[code end]

how to use>>

Just copy it to your homepage then overwrite your homepage in your server.
This code records visit time, and Referrers to a text file.


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